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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friends on the Roof

After a week of being snowed in, it was a miracle to make it to church this morning.  Literally, a miracle.  The roads were fine, but my car did not want to move out of its parking spot.  READY. FOR. SUMMER.  Anyhow, it’s lucky that I did make it, because they discussed one of my favorite stories about Jesus, which of course I will now oversimplify for you (whether you’ve heard it before or not).   **Please look at Luke 5 18:25 for the full, perfect story.

There’s a party.  Jesus was there along with all of these hoity toity religious people.  It’s a pretty tough crowd.   A group of friends did not make the invite list, but they really really wanted their friend to meet Jesus… he was paralyzed and they knew that Jesus could heal him if he got the chance to meet him.  So those crazy kids, set on getting their loved friend what he needed, climbed on top of some person’s house and proceeded to cut a hole in the roof to lower their friend into the party.  Jesus’s response was to (a) forgive the paralyzed man of his sins and (b) heal him.  And he said he did both of those life-changing things because of his friends’ faithfulness.  I love it.

Usually when I read that story I think about how I could try to be that kind of friend, but today I was struck with how blessed I am to have that kind of friend.  For a couple of weeks now I’ve been trying to write a post about my best friend, Katie/”Bub.”  Bub is giving birth to a second perfect baby THIS VERY WEEK, and I wanted to give her some encouragement before she takes on that awesome feat.  


For the last 17 years, Bub has always been on the roof with me.  For the first few years, she probably wanted to push me off the roof, because I was a weird little kid.  In the second and third grades, I liked to wear this magenta and green plaid jacket with some fringe on it, and she  wore mismatched socks on purpose.  I knew that those two little souls were destined to be best friends, but she didn’t share my enthusiasm.   I spent countless recess hours trying to get the new girl in our class to learn cheers with me, and once told our third grade teacher that Katie had a crush on her son (leaving out that I did too--every girl in the school did).  She finally consented to being friends after both of our parents were super late picking us up after a field trip, and we bonded while making key chains on the playground.

Then we somehow survived Middle School angst together.  And High School angst together.
Then came college--we survived living together, and me throwing up in her car twice.   




When we were about 19, my body started to do this cute little thing where it randomly shuts down and I pass out.  This would have been a huge thing to tackle on my own, but my little Bub decided to make it her burden, too.  When it first began, there was miscommunication about medical insurance, charges, and overall poor quality of healthcare provided, and my friend on the roof with fire in her belly wrote letters to the then President of the University about it.  Now when I think it’s about to happen again, she usually picks me up from work and lets me sleep it off on her couch.  Last time, I woke up to her 3 year old with a doctor’s kit, saying, “It’s ok, Bubby, I’ll make you all better.”  If anyone’s faithfulness could save me, it would be Katie and the little girl that she and her husband are raising so well.

A couple of years ago, when Avery was just a newborn, Lexington had a major tornado scare.  Bub and her hubby came across town to pick carless me up before heading to a safe shelter.

On days when others fail to do the best job of communicating love, Bub is always there for extra reinforcement.  I get invited to pretty much every holiday event hosted by both her parents and in-laws, and more often than not I’m there, holding hands and singing “Ring Around the Rosie” with fellow grown adults while we walk in a circle around her daughter.  I picked her to be my friend, she picked me to be her family.   


Those are just some of the stories that could go on for pages on pages of the times that she has loved me very well.  I may not have ever been paralyzed, but no matter what need I have—accountability, love that reminds me of Jesus, someone to read Chronicles of Narnia with (at the age of 24), a loan, a safe place, someone to dance in a kitchen with, help with a medical scare, coffee, lentil soup, or a tough love kick in the right direction—I am beyond lucky to have a friend that is going to do whatever is necessary to make sure my needs are met, even when it’s costly or sounds crazy.  

As good as she is at loving me, the thing she does best and the thing I love her most for is being a Mother.  Whether she is teaching her baby girl to build words, clean her room, or run from pretend dinosaurs, I get so much joy watching the girl who used to mismatch her socks on purpose be a Mommy.  Lastly, I will add that true to the biblical allusion, she has literally learned to disassemble and reassemble walls for her family (how COOL is that, right?!).  Avery and Henry are two lucky little ones.  Thank you for being their Mommy!



Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jesus Took the Wheel-- Off my Tire

On Wednesdays I leave my house at 7:30am, work for 7.5 hours, drive an hour through traffic to Richmond, have 5 hours of class, then commute home at 10pm.  Talk about a long day, right?!

Yesterday I was driving home from Richmond, and wasn’t even halfway back when my car started to sound more like an airplane than a car.  Yikes.  I pulled over to the tiny shoulder which in itself was a scary feat, and opened my door to see if I could tell what was going on.  It was pretty easy to figure out the issue… my back tire on the driver’s side was gone.  Not flat, gone.  There was literally no black stuff, just a hubcap.  HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!

Backstory, the microphone on my iPhone 4 has not worked for a couple of weeks now, so people can’t hear me during calls.  I went to my phone company twice to see about getting it fixed, but they wanted to charge me $99 to replace a phone that I have had insurance on for a year and a half and is like 6 models old.  You know how thrifty I am… out of principle, I just left with my broken phone.


At this point, I remember there are such a thing as flashers and that I should use them.  I didn’t have emergency lights until about two weeks ago when my Best Friend’s Husband decided to be great and completely clean out my car for me.  When he did that, he found the button for the flashers and put it back on for me-- previous owner had taken it off for some reason.  SCORE.

Guys, my phone worked.  I needed it to work, and it worked.  So I called AAA, and they told me how much it would be to start an account and use same day service (an extra charge) to have someone come put the donut in my trunk on for me.  Again… I’m thrifty.  So I called my roommate to see if she and her boyfriend could come assist before signing up for AAA.  

While my roommate and her boyfriend are in route to save me, a nice gentleman from the KY Transportation Cabinet shows up and tells me that it’s his job to “drive around and look for nice people like you to help, free of charge.”  That’s exactly what he did.  He told me that my donut was flat, and proceeded to fill it with air.  By the time my roommate and her boyfriend got there, he was mostly finished.  Talk about a blessing.

My roommate’s boyfriend pointed out that if it would have happened to my front tire, I could have been injured since I have front-wheel drive… which reminded me that I just had my tires rotated, so just a little while ago, that tire was a front tire.  SCORE

From there:
  1. Two seconds after posting a fb status, my Big Sister offered me her car for today.  I really must admit (again) that I have never done anything to deserve her.
  2. Because studying to be a lawyer doesn't keep her busy enough, my roommate offered to take my card and car to get two new tires for me today. She's a real MVP.
  3. People from all over the state texted me about coming to save me. THANKS!

Yesterday should have been a bad day, but to be honest, it was really pretty amazing.  It took less than 30 minutes for this whole problem to be resolved, and I got to see miracle on miracle.  My thrifty-ness was rewarded instead of punished, so I can continue to be generous in other ways.  I was reminded just how generous and loving my friends are, and how good strangers can be.  Last but not least, I was reminded that God really does work for the good of those who love him.  It’s not lost on me, kids.
